From panels to paint, solar technology will drive sustainability

As the world continues to develop more efficient ways to navigate to a sustainable future, solar power has become the mainstay of many efficient energy programmes. Such is its importance that solar power methodologies are being transformed with new technology that is changing the way we approach the use of energy. It comes against a […]

5 reasons why commercial and domestic property owners should consider solar power

Solar power (or photovoltaic) has become even more popular in the face of rising energy costs and, here at Powercor, we have seen demand explode for this sustainable energy solution. But we’re not just installing solar because the demand is there, we strongly believe in solar as a worthwhile investment for a number of reasons. […]

The Swan Sanctuary

Mute swans aren’t really mute and if they could speak our language we are sure they would approve of the upgrade to their sanctuary at Shepperton. Known in Britain as the “Royal Bird” mute swans are protected by law known as “the Royal Prerogative”. Powercor are proud to have helped provide additional future protection to […]

Fluorescent tube lighting ban highlights the need for system change

The start of 2023 was a significant moment for the UK’s lighting industry and delivered a call to arms for facility managers to increase the speed of their buildings’ transition to up-to-date LED lighting systems ahead of a key August 2023 deadline that will see fluorescent tubing banned from sale in the UK. The UK […]

Powercor’s lighting and energy project proves a favourite with Queen Anne’s

A two-year project by Powercor with one of the top independent schools in the UK has become a best-practice case study of how a thorough approach to the use of cutting-edge technology and a solid, technical approach to energy provision can both accelerate a school’s transition to net zero emissions and drastically reduce energy costs. […]

Schools rise to the challenge as energy efficiency competition proves huge success

A competition which was designed to help primary school pupils make a real difference to their schools and the energy they use came to an end this month with an award ceremony which honoured all participating schools, including those that had made the biggest difference to their energy consumption. Powercor partnered with STEM charity SATRO […]

Sustainability – Key Strategies to Controlling Rising Energy Costs

Rising energy prices have added further impetus for schools, businesses and individuals looking to more sustainable and energy saving systems. The global energy price hike, which has seen costs increase exponentially, shows little sign of abating.  For schools, educational institutions and business the impact is already being felt. We are already hearing of schools expecting […]


LED lighting and controls

Solar and battery storage

Emergency lighting and compliance

Metering and measurement

Power infrastructure




Office and industry

Manufacturing and warehouses



Retail and hospitality

High-end residential

Public sector