How can eco|Driver help you save energy & money?

ENERGY – We take it for granted and for the majority of us, we have no idea where it goes or where we use it. From our homes, to offices, factories and everything we use in day to day life, it is all powered by energy.

eco|Driver is a real time energy management system which sets the standard in monitoring your energy consumption on your site.

The system is able to monitor electricity, water, gas and oil effectively.Whether lights have been left on, computers have remained on standby mode after work hours, air conditioning units are running overtime or there is an unusual amount of water wastage, eco|Driver can enable you to check for patterns and anomalies in your energy usage to determine where your energy is being consumed.

Using easy to read online data & charts about your specific usage, you can use this information to make money saving decisions based on real time statistics. eco|Driver offer an extensive service, providing information at your fingertips, showing you costs, units used, and C02 emissions.

With government targets set to reduce energy consumption and to help the environment, firstly you need to know exactly where these savings can be made before you can even start to achieve these targets.

One of the golden rules in every aspect of life is ‘knowledge is power’, with this in mind, can you and your business afford not to know how and where your energy is being consumed?

Powercor is an approved eco|Driver installer

We have installed eco|Driver into Schools, Colleges, Golf Clubs, Offices & Government Buildings.

Click here to view some of our case studies.

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LED lighting and controls

Solar and battery storage

Emergency lighting and compliance

Metering and measurement

Power infrastructure




Office and industry

Manufacturing and warehouses



Retail and hospitality

High-end residential

Public sector