PAT Testing for Residential Care & Private Nursing Homes

Thankfully these modern worthy establishments are now ever more on the increase in providing an alternative comprehensive range of care for dearly loved elderly folk. Whilst in attendance of a recently modernised property, we observed that there were a considerable amount of various portable appliances throughout the building mostly owned by the Nursing Home and some personal items for comfort brought in by the Residents themselves. 

PAT Testing Legal Standards


It is a legal requirement for all electrical equipment used in a workplace to be checked regularly. Pat testing or Portable Appliance Testing is a major contributor to ensuring safety at all times, and will comply with the legal standards. Failure to implement a programme of regular appliance testing can lead to serious consequences as well as affecting insurance policies.

Insurance Companies

Most companies will assume that the owners of a business are compliant with all relevant regulations. These Insurance Companies are fully entitled to reduce, delay or even refuse to pay on a claim for damage caused by a portable appliance that has not been PAT tested.

The electricity at Work Regulations 1989 . The Management of Health & Safety at Work regulations 1992. and The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 puts the duty of care upon both the employer and the employee to ensure the safety of all persons using the work premise, this includes the self employed. Since a care home or a nursing home is a workplace – this means that Pat Testing is needed for all plugged appliances whether they are owned by the organisation or by the residents. Pat Testing is by far the easiest solution.

Assessment. We can carry out the appropriate inspection and testing promptly, with little or no delay working with the minimum of disruption to meet requirements, and provide certificated results giving complete peace of mind and assurance.

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