Solar Power Projects

Our Solar Power projects success stories

At Powercor, we’re transforming the way businesses, schools and larger residential properties harness energy by delivering cutting-edge solar power solutions tailored to their needs. Our portfolio of solar power projects showcases how we have supported a wide range of businesses, schools and homes with their solar energy needs.

Merchant Taylor Prep School, Rickmansworth

Solar power and panel install by Powercor at Oratory School, Berkshire

Oratory School, Berkshire

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the offices of Vision Engineering, Wokign, Surrey

Vision Engineering, Surrey

Tonbridge School, Kent

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at Farleigh School in Hampshire

Farleigh School, Hampshire

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey

St George’s College, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at Space Studios, London

Space Studios, London

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the The Billy Stud, Surrey

The Billy Stud, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at Ryde School, Hampshire

Ryde School, Hampshire

Solarpower and panel array installed by Powercor at Heathfield School, Berkshire

Heathfield School, Berkshire

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at Blundell's School, Berkshire

Blundell’s School, Berkshire

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at St Faith's School in London

St Faith’s School, London

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at RHS Wisley in Surrey

RHS Wisley, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the offices of Viva Esprit in Bagshot, Surrey

Viva Esprit, Bagshot

Solar power and penel installation by Powercor at the offices of Apex Car Rentals in Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey

Apex Car Rental, Brooklands

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the Swan Sanctuary in Shepperton, Surrey

The Swan Sanctuary, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey

St George's College, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at a residential property in Woking, Surrey

Residential Property in Woking, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at a residential property in Addlestone, Surrey

Residential Property in Addlestone, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at a residential property in Clandon, Surrey

Residential Property in Clandon, Surrey

Solar Power infrastructure installed by Powercor at a property in Hersham, Surrey

Solar Infrastructure in Hersham, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at a residential property in Sunningdale, Berkshire

Residential Property in Sunningdale, Surrey

Solar power and penl installation by Powercor at a residential property in Reigate, Surrey

Residential Property in Reigate, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at Queen Anne's School in Reading, Berkshire

Queen Anne's School, Berkshire

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at a residential property in Pirbright, Surrey

Residential Building in Pirbright, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the offices of Architainment Lighting in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Architainment Lighting, Buckinghamshire

Solar power and panel installation at the offices of Powercor and ColourZone in Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey

Powercor & ColourZone Offices, Weybridge, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at an industrial space in Hersham, Surrey

Industrial Space in Hersham, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the Royal Alexander & Albert School in Reigate, Surrey

RA&A School, Surrey

Solar power and panel installation by Powercor at the offices of Krome Technologies in Chertsey, Surrey

Krome Technologies, Surrey


LED lighting and controls

Solar and battery storage

Emergency lighting and compliance

Metering and measurement

Power infrastructure




Office and industry

Manufacturing and warehouses



Retail and hospitality

High-end residential

Public sector